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Professional Supervision



Professional Supervision

Dawn is a qualified supervisor, supporting counsellors through their training and ongoing development

Are you:

  • A practising counsellor, either in private practice or employed by a government or non government organisation?
  • Considering setting up your own practice?
  • Currently undergoing your counselling training?

If yes to any of the above, here are the top ten reasons ‘according to Dawn’ why you need a supervisor.

  1. To have an opportunity to discuss a selection of your client issues and challenge your methodology with a highly qualified and experienced practitioner
  2. To identify legal imperatives as and when they occur
  3. To increase your knowledge of counselling research and application
  4. To increase your referral networks
  5. To actively question your reasons for being a counsellor
  6. To actively question if your reasons for setting up a private practice (if applicable)
  7. To guide you with establishing your practice (if applicable)
  8. To support you as an individual who has decided to take on a profession with wondrous opportunities and outcomes and torecognisethe highs and lows of such a passion
  9. To keep yourself balanced in your own professional and private life to avoid burnout
  10. To remind you that you are not doing this alone!

I look forward to working with you to achieve your goals.

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom” ~ Anais Nin

ABN 937 576 105 34

©Dawn Macintyre 2018